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Sports Forms and Information

Both Plymouth Whitemarsh High School and Colonial Middle School are using Big Teams Student Central for parents/guardians to complete and upload all PIAA paperwork.

All students must have a physical dated on or after 5/1/24 to participate in the 2024-2025 school year per the PIAA.

Accounts have been created for students in Student Central using their school Gmail account. Parents/guardians will need to follow the instructions below to create and link their account with their student's account. Once accounts are created/linked and paperwork is completed, uploaded, and approved, coaches will be able to see athletes trying out for their sport.

For PWHS students: The deadline to complete forms and baselines with the guarantee that they will be reviewed before the first day of the preseason is 11/7/24 (Thursday). Anything submitted/completed after that date may not get reviewed before the season’s start date. Baselines only need to be completed once per school year 2024-2025. 

Completing and Uploading PIAA Paperwork

Concussion Information

Hydration and Wellness

Playing Sports in College