CMS News
$5+ donation per honoree. We'll deliver a special personalized certificate, and funds raised go back to classrooms!
CMS Student Council will hold the Winter Dance for grades 7 and 8. Please consider joining us and helping the Student Council at the same time.
Please order your yearbooks now. this pre-sale lasts until March 15th. take advantage and order early.
PWHS will facilitate an evening program for parents/guardians to learn more about the instructional programs at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. Please join us for our Program Planning Night on Wednesday, February 11, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
The $30 optional program provides coverage for accidental damage to student devices.
When students are late to school, unexcused minutes will accrue and may lead to being recorded as an unlawful absence.
Click into this article for important information about school breakfast and lunch for the 2024-25 school year.
Scan the bar code or register your Weis Rewards card online and earn money for CMS just for doing your regular food shopping.
Buy Box Tops products and scan your receipt.