by Anna Pierce (8th)
A Flicker of Hope
Coming to a new country
Seeking a new life
Searching the unknown
Constantly needing to do better
As everyday passes by each step becomes heavier
Burdened by fears
Afraid to reach for freedom
Afraid to hope
Then eighth grade arrives
And I find myself drowning in work
But in those moments I find my flicker of hope
Something new, something important
To join hands with others, share hopes and cares
Joining NJHS, chance to declare:
Spreading hope and love across this vast land.
I’ve given my all to the battles I fight,
Now for others I’ll strive to ignite their light.
Standing together in every hardship
Supporting each other, getting through it,
Day by day, month by month, year by year
And here I stand today
Ready to take on what I once thought was unattainable
Together we stand
Achieving the impossible