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by Maeve O'Connell and Annabel O'Neill (6th)

Everyone knows how to make toast. It’s a fairly simple recipe! You take bread out, put it in the toaster, and smear it with butter. The way that Mrs. Culp taught her students sticks with you, not unlike how the recipe to make toast is very hard to forget.

After over 30 years of teaching FCS at Colonial Middle School, Mrs. Culp is retiring at the end of this school year. She is a favorite teacher among many students (Including the authors of this article), and she will go down in CMS history as an amazing addition to the teaching “roster”.

Today, we hope to help our fellow students recognize the impact Mrs. Culp has had on the school as much as we do! One of Mrs. Culp’s favorite memories from teaching at this school is a program called Nutrition on the News, which is sadly no longer available to the students.

During this program, Mrs. Culp would have a professional chef come into FCS class and teach the students to cook using a recipe. The whole thing would be filmed and posted on the Colonial School District Website.

She says it was her favorite because she loves cooking so much, and enjoyed seeing her students take a liking to it as well. You can blame that Curriculum that it’s no longer offered (Curse you, incredibly-complicated middle school schedule!).

It just so happens that cooking is the main reason Mrs. Culp taught FCS. She says it’s been her favorite part. When she retires at the end of this school year, what will she do, might you ask? Well, cook, of course! She says she wants to try to exercise her culinary skills as much as she also wants to literally exercise. She will also take the retiring opportunity to see the world. Travel is what she most wants to do, she told us.

We wish Mrs. Culp an eventful and wonderful retirement. She has been an inspiration to all of us.