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By Brandon Tupchong, 6th grade

The birthplace to civilization,
The continent with 5I nations
Filled with industrialization
Greeted with much veneration

You have the largest population,
Nearly 5 billion
Rapidly advancing
Prancing past the poor portrayal

I00,000 years ago,
The first sapiens arrived
As they dived into your land
They were beginning a new life.

You hold the massive desert
From Israel into Iran
Down to Oman
Then It's gone

The fertile land of the central
With agricultural marvels
India and Kazakhstan
Colors dull, but the land is full
With much soil and resources.

Your jungles of the Southeast
Beauty unlike any other
Located in the Southern
Animals being quite the wonder.

Your industrialized East,
The Japanese and the Chinese,
Koreans and the Taiwanese,
With the factories increasing
The traditions start ceasing.

The mighty fortunate East,
Flying drones, honed weapons,
Sharp like claws
Deadly like shark jaws
They shine in times of darkness.

Up in the Blizzarding North
The snow morphs and blows
As the taigas and tigers march forth
Sheltered in Siberian snow.

But behind the great biomes
Hide a long history
Much bloodshed
And a story to unfold

Many empires in the region
The Achaemenids, Qings, Soviets
Unpredictable enough

In times of colonialism,
You band together
In times of great danger
You band together
In times of uncertainty

Goa, Macau, East Indies,
The colonial powers have taken them.
Those actions were never condemned.
So new colonies stemmed.

British Raj and Hong Kong,
The unnoticed exploitation
Of a nation
Until negotiation
Centuries later,

In the present day
You are technologically advancing
But the traditions fade
As the technologies are enhancing

War and instability
You can see
Refugees flee
As you are left in ruins

But despite that
You can fly
Above all others
Soaring above the sky

You show great promise
Catching up with action
Exponential growth
becoming common
And many economic factions

But only you can go above all, Asia
Release your inner talent
Work together
And fly above everybody else.