By Annabel O'Neill and Maya Swan (6th grade)
Dear Miss Fortune,
My stupid pencils keep going missing! I have a sneaking suspicion that my arch enemy, Pete the Cat, is stealing them from right under my nose! How do I work up the courage to confront him about it?
Pencil-less from Montana
Dear Pencil-less,
A cat is your enemy? You must be a dog person. But fine! I shall help you. Cats will die for the smallest amount of catnip. All you must do is coat your pencils in it, and Pete will be sure to come running! Make sure to hide close so you can leap out when he tries to steal the pencils. And when you have to confront him, steal all of your pencils back. And give him a good bath. That is the ultimate revenge. Good luck! -Miss Fortune
Dear Miss Fortune:
My husband always wears socks with his sandals. It’s absolutely hideous! Can you tell him personally that it is such a regretful action? It will help get the point across.
Regretting-Marriage-Choices from South Carolina
Dear Regretting’s Husband,
What are you thinking?! Socks with sandals is the ultimate, “turning into your dad” moment. Not only does it show that you are trying to be that cool guy in your mid 40’s and 50’s, but it is a HORRENDOUS fashion choice. You would probably be better off wearing a neon yellow shirt and dyeing your hair fluorescent green! If you need any more fashion advice, come to my office. I used to be a fashion model before I was a professional advice giver. Good Luck! -Miss Fortune
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