by Matthew Franks (6th grade)
Have you ever thought about Fortnite being the best game ever? Well guess what you're wrong! Because Brawl Stars is the one! You're probably saying Matthew what the heck is “Brawl Stars.”
Well, I'm glad you asked. Brawl Stars started in 2017 called “the Beta” and let me tell you in 2019 you’ll see 6ft tall El primo in brawl ball with the ball plus in the air! And still scores a goal. I'm telling y'all Brawl Stars was the best game in 2019 and it kept going, millions of people played it and they loved it, same with me and yes i'm not a “OG” Brawl Stars kid.
But I wish I was. And don’t you remember getting a legendary brawler from a small box or a mega box, ooooh the good old days. But yeah the answer is my opinion. What’s your opinion?