By: Ava Gayl (6th grade)
Cats versus dogs, the age old debate that has bugged society since society has been, well, society. Whether it’s from Broadway musicals to the early days of hunting, cats and dogs have undoubtedly earned the title of man’s best friend. However, there can only be one. So sit back, relax, and keep reading on as we watch paws and tails fly.
Before we get into the age old discussion of pets, we must first get into the reasons of WHY they are our pets. Domestication describes the process of taming an animal in order to keep it as a pet or on a farm. Let’s just say that humanity as a whole has had a lot of experience with this process. In fact, if it was not for domestication, we would not be as advanced as we are today. Studies show that dogs were first domesticated around 20,000 years ago in Siberia by Ancient North Eurasians.They were mainly domesticated to help with hunting. Cats on the other hand, were only domesticated 11,000 years ago in the fertile crescent to help with rodents. The scoreboard?
Dogs:1 Cats:0
Through the Ancient World’s Eye
Although we as Americans have a more neutral look at the cats v. dogs discussion, many countries thousands of years ago had stronger viewpoints on what the perfect pet is. Take for example, Egypt. Thousands upon thousands of years ago, in the lands of ancient egypt, cats were nearly worshiped! Not only were cats considered to be holy to the gods, but they even had an entire goddess dedicated to them! It’s not like you would ever see the Book of the Dead’s Anubis be like: “Behold, puny mortal! I am Anubis, god of dogs! All of the treats belong to me! Fear my wrath!” Instead, he is just the god of the dead. Boring. Cats also played a prime role in Ancient China’s religion as being the Goddess of Fertility. I think we all know who this round’s points go to.
Dogs:1 Cats:1
The Benefits of a Pet
You may already know that dogs and cats can help to calm a person down, however there is so much more that they can do. Take for example, America’s K9 squad. These special poochies help police in search and rescue, bomb detecting, self defense, and so much more. Certain dogs can also herd, help the disabled, and guard things. Meanwhile, cats can…. Wait? What’s this? A cat was MAYOR?! You read that right folks. Stubbs the cat (Named after his tail) served as mayor for a whopping twenty years up until his death in 2017 in Talkeetna, Arkansas. Okay, this round is definitely a tie.
Dogs:2 Cats:2
The Dogs Bark
Like many other types of animals, dogs have many types of breeds (360 to be exact) ranging from big to small, sleek to fluffy. Dogs have been around in human homes for almost 20,000 years. Ever since then, they have been rather useful. When they are not demanding attention and belly rubs, dogs were actually very helpful back then with hunting and herding. Dogs are known to be very playful and cuddly however their personalities can depend on a number of things, including environment and breed. Overall dogs are a great pet for many varieties of people.
Dogs:3 Cats:2
The Cat's Bite
Unlike dogs, cats only have 73 different types of breeds, each one having patterns unlike any other animal. Whether it’s lions, tigers, or just plain old house cats, cats can come in many shapes and sizes with each breed having a distinct pattern. Cats are known to be very independent creatures, but just like dogs, cats can have very different personalities depending on lifestyle and breed. Overall, cats can prove to be very good pets so long as you know how to care for them properly.
Dogs:3 Cats:3
Man’s Best Friend
And now, the moment you have all been waiting for, and probably the only reason you read this article, The Award for Man’s Best Friend goes to……… every pet! Yeah you read that right. In a very cringy turn of events, it has been decided that not just cats and dogs, but turtles, hamsters, gerbils, parrots, and even camels can deserve the title. Everyone is different and each person has their own preferences and feelings about everything. Not every pet is right for everyone and not every person is right for a pet. Many things can influence a person’s emotions towards certain things and many factors can influence why something is right or wrong for you. It's just about preferences towards certain things. After all, the world would be boring without these preferences and our furry friends.