Daily Rubbish: The Holiday Special
by Liam Otero (7th)
This is it, my fellow Rubbish Readers, the moment of truth, all previous Holiday Specials have been building up to this moment. As Thanksgiving passes, one of the best holidays remains. So, sit back, and relax and join us as The Daily Rubbish presents…
The Holiday Special!!!
The following writing follows a story shared to us.
I woke up in the morning and checked the date. One day until Christmas Eve, one day until Santa and I work together on December 24.
I started walking through my room, before sitting down near a table. I looked to the side and saw a slip of paper. “What's on here? I asked. It said;
Dear Krampus,
I hope this letter finds you well. I have unfortunately injured myself and I cannot work Christmas this year. I really hope that this doesn’t bother you, but I need you to run Christmas, for both the good and bad children. My elves have already started working, but you must work the sleigh and take care of everything. I wish you the best of luck,
Santa Claus
I was furious! Me? Work Christmas! I ran the bad children, not the good ones! What do they even like? Trains and toy planes? I tried to calm myself down, but what was Santa thinking? I took a deep breath. You can do this, I thought to myself, encouragingly. I slowly got up, put a coat on, and, with a little bit of help(All the children pushing me out) I managed to step outside. Right as I stepped outside, I looked straight in front of myself. Right there, was 8 brown reindeer.
I smiled. “Santa’s reindeer! How are you guys?” I chuckled awkwardly. Some of them nodded, but Blitzen tried to trample me. “I get no respect here. Do I?”
But, right in front of them, was little Rudolph. I hadn’t seen him since he was a wee baby. I saw that their heads were pointing to something behind them. It was a red sleigh with golden needles across the edges. Golden lines were streaking across the sides, forming the form of what looked like reindeer antlers. (Boring jolly colors)
“Santa’s sleigh,” I smirked, before realizing that I would have to ride it. “Oh, no no no, I can’t ride it.” I told the reindeer.
“You're not riding it, silly.” a voice said. Rudolph was speaking to me. “We're just taking you to Santa’s factory, now get in.” Despite my surprise, I hopped in the sleigh, and the reindeer took off flying. It was very exhilarating and the air was absolutely freezing. It wasn’t until a few minutes later after almost freezing from the wind, that I saw lights across a green building. Santa's Factory!
I opened the doors to the factory. FLASHBANG! A whirl of varied colored lights blinded me through all directions. I managed to push through the factory, and I opened my eyes. Tiny green people everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Multiple machines, conveyor belts, chutes, all dispensing dolls, skateboards, IPads (That's for the Gen Alpha 5 year olds), and so much more. When I walked in though, all the elves stopped.
“Where's Santa?” One of them asked me. I had a fear of public speaking so I froze and stood there silently. I cursed under my breath. I must’ve looked like an idiot. But, I got my inner dictator to come to me.
“Santas gone, and he has trusted me to run Christmas.” I became confident. “He injured himself, but that's okay. Because no matter what happens, We will work together, to make sure that ALL CHILDREN, naughty or nice, will be taken care of! And it's gonna take all of us! Now who's with me?!”
All the elves in the factory walked out the door. Needless to say, I had the largest panic attack since the day the naughty children unlocked the chains. Those pranksters. But, I wasn’t gonna give up. Across the 14 hours I had left before Christmas Eve, I sped through the factory, attempting to work the machines(I totally didn’t break the skateboard conveyer belt). I gathered all the toys the elves had made, and put them in the wrapping machine(It was really bad at spitting bars), until FINALLY, after absolutely burning myself out, I managed to fill up the sleigh. I got the reindeer, and I climbed in the sleigh.
Ok, Here we go. I thought.
“Yah!” I shouted. The ceiling to the factory slowly opened, and the reindeer kicked off and flew out. The lights slowly faded away, and soon enough, only Rudolph's nose was lighting the night. Across the night, I flew across the world (Don’t ask me how), and I slowly watched as I kept seeing children just innocently sleeping. It was a shame I had to take some of them down to where I live. I dropped a few presents off until finally, the sleigh bag was empty. I flew back the reindeer to Santa's factory, and placed them inside the stable.
Rudolph nodded his head, as a way of saying thank you. But this night wasn’t over yet. I still needed to get the naughty kids. I got my magic and my chains ready. But, something hit me. A strange feeling of guilt.. Never had it before… Something just didn’t feel right.
I always thought that the naughty kids I took deserved it. But, not this year. And so, I took lumps of coal from the fireplace at the stable, and flew in the sleigh again. I gave all the naughty kids lumps of coal, thinking that would teach them. It probably would be good.
As I left Santa's factory and went back to where I lived, I felt something strange inside. Happiness. I had a feeling that this would be a great Christmas.
The following morning, there were reports that NO CHILDREN were missing during Christmas Day. Moving on, as we share this story, many kids across the world are furious that they got lumps of coal for Christmas, and actually argued and screamed at their parents. But, in the end, I think that all kids should be grateful for Krampus’s generosity.
Even the bad kids should be grateful. I mean, they may not have gotten IPads, but at least they didn’t get dragged down to the depths by Krampus. And so, that is our Holiday special, our Rubbish Readers. Thanks for reading, Adios, and, I might say, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! And CUT!
(Anyways so I was thinking, you know, I ran through the numbers, and apparently, the government signed an IPad ban for kids under 5 years old, I think this was needed - Do you hear that? Oh no).