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by Dillon Fisher and Liam Otero (7th)

Gim Theory Sneak Peek

Welcome to Gim Theory, the school-appropriate Game Theory (happy retirement, Matpat!) where we dive into all things Gimkit! As we know, Gimkit is an educational game and *shouldn’t* be fun because "learning is boring." But Gimkit defies all logic, creating a site where you can play fun games *and* learn at the same time! Don’t get ahead of yourself, though; we’re not here to talk about the educational parts—we’re talking about the new, improved Gimkit features!

I can't spoil everything, so here’s a simple rundown of all the (2D) modes:

2D Modes:
- **Snowbrawl** – Fight in an epic snowy battle using an…ice cream cone snowball launcher?
- **One Way Out** – Defeat Evil Plants and escape a corrupted spaceship.
- **Snowy Survival** – One player is cursed as a mummy and must corrupt the others.
- **Tag Domination & Capture the Flag** – Part of the Recess Rivalry collection; these are revamped versions of classic Tag and Capture the Flag, played in teams.
- **Dig It Up** – Dig to collect resources and save Mayor Cole, trapped in a hot air balloon high above.
- **Don’t Look Down** – A platformer where you race to reach 1000 meters, completing all six summits before anyone else. And beware…don’t look down!
- **Knockback** – Knock other players off the platform before they knock you off!
- **BlastBall** – Soccer, but with Blasters.
- **Farmchain** – Make money farming and selling crops.
- **Apocalypse** – Stop hordes of zombies from breaking into your vault, or you lose.

And that’s just the modes! We also explore the Gims, stickers, and trails—some of them are pretty awesome. Lastly, we’ll look at the **Discovery Menu** for the *Discovery Shout-out*, which highlights underrated games and even brings back some classic ones.

That wraps up our sneak peek into *Gim Theory*! But hey, that’s just a theory…a *Gim Theory*. Thanks for reading!

(*Credit to Matpat for that saying—happy retirement, Matpat!*)