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by Emma Eisenberg (6th)

Edward Trayes has been in the journalism business for over 50 years. I went and asked him what it was like and to give some tips to today's new journalists. 

Q: Why did you choose journalism?

A: Even when Mr. Trayes was younger he was already interested in journalism. He did the daily paper route for a small newspaper in his town. As he waited for the newspapers he learned a lot about them.  “And I loved it. I felt I learned a great deal. They answered my questions.” Each paper process is similar to another, so this helped him go into bigger papers.

Q: What is your favorite part about journalism?

A: “I’ve asked myself this question for more than 70 years. It seems to change, but it also stays the same.” Mr. Trayes says that newspapers are read and they have to be focused on. You are into reading them; on the other side, watching the news is just sitting on the couch. Reading the news helps you enjoy it more. The paper is a tangible object that you can hold. In Mr. Trayes' opinion, the paper is a way better than watching the news.

Q: How long have you been doing journalism?

A: “Almost all my life.” Mr. Trayes started working in highschool, but he started delivering newspapers when he was much younger. Through all his jobs he has had about 55 years of experience.

Q: Do you have any tips or tricks for today’s journalist?

A: There are many ways to help make good artiles. The big ones Mr. Trayes said was, never assume, treat everyone the same, when you ask a question remember and don’t ask again, be fair, be professional. Aside from those there are many more. 

Q: What are your favorite and least favorite things about journalism?

A: Mr. Trayes’ least favorite thing is some of the ways that journalism can be used for the wrong purposes. It can be misused and manipulated. One of Mr. Trayes’ favorite thing is you are able to tell other people what is going on. As Mr Trayes says, “You get to inform and entertain people about the worlds they live in.”

Q: What could make journalism better?

A: One big problem is that the news prints are not widely spread. Mr. Trayes wants news to be easier to access around the world. Everyone should be able to know what is going on around the world. “That's people, regardless of race, ethnicity and how rich or poor they might be.”

Q: What are some pros and cons of journalism?

A: Some pros on journalism: it keeps people informed says Mr. Trayes. The potential of abuse and misuse is a big con. There is also a middle ground of where it is a good and a bad thing. Mr. Trayes thinks that being a journalist is a hard job, with a lot of responsibilities. “The world's complex. And journalism helps people understand it.”

Q: What makes journalism interesting to you?

A: Each day is different in journalism. Everyday the world changes a little. “It's never the same. Every day is different.” Mr. Trayes said very quickly. “It’s important, without good journalism, what do you have?” 

Q: What else do you want to add?

A: “Journalism needs all kinds of people. They can represent all facets of society. You need people of various ages and backgrounds and interests. If you can think of something rather than journalism, do that. Because journalism is a calling, you're there to make the world a better place, there to help people better their lives, you're there as the guardian of the people and their interests. You have the potential to level the playing field between the powerful and the not so powerful. You help people understand the complex, you make things more approachable through well crafted stories and just the right photographs and video content. A journalist can not be afraid” says Mr. Trayes. Being a journalist goes beyond money and shows the importance of spreading information. “I have worked with newspapers across America and other countries. Some parts of journalism transcend language.” “It's important, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.” 

Journalism is important for all. Mr. Trayes wants everyone to know that and encourages everyone to try, but as he says,  “It isn’t a job, it's a calling” so if journalism doesn’t fit you, don’t try too hard. There are plenty of other jobs that can fit your calling.