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by Dillon Fisher (7th)

So, we’ve all heard of Nerf, right? Who hasn’t? It’s one of the biggest brands in the world, and every little kid wants one. But why? What’s the deal with Nerf? Well, it’s about blasters. Sorry, I mean blasters. But instead of shooting bullets, they shoot darts (and sometimes small foam balls). I see the look on your face. I swear to God, if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking... just stop. Anyway, Nerf blasters are fun, family-friendly toys, and I’m here to explain why they’re not just for little kids.

Why Nerf is Cool (In My Opinion)

We all know middle school can be pretty rough. People are always labeling things as “uncool” or “childish,” and that can make us feel like we need to hide our interests. It’s like, “If I share something I love, will people think I’m a kid?” Well, screw that. I’m going to rant about why Nerf isn’t just for the “midgets” in elementary school.

1. The Designs: Actually Pretty Cool

Even if you’re not into Nerf battles and think they’re just annoying, you have to admit—the designs are awesome. Nerf blasters are sleek, futuristic, and even military-inspired. I mean, throw on an army vest, grab a blaster, and suddenly you look like an absolute beast. Even if you’re just using them for display, they’re still pretty cool to look at.

2. Shooting Darts: How Is This Not Cool?

Let’s talk about the obvious: shooting foam darts. Like, how is this not cool? Sure, there are some kid-friendly Nerf blasters (like Baby Shark models and other cutesy stuff), but for us “older” kids, there are miniguns, turrets, and snipers—some even with scopes that, yeah, might be useless, but look awesome anyway. There’s just something incredibly satisfying about blasting foam darts everywhere—whether at your friends or your “enemies.” It’s fun, it’s silly, and it’s a great way to let off some steam.

3. Customization: Make Your Blaster Your Own

One of the best things about Nerf is how customizable the blasters are. Take the Nerf Stryfe, for example. It’s simple, flexible, and easily customizable. Nerf has these things called stocks, barrels, and tactical rails. These little attachments let you improve your blaster (or just make it look cooler—depends on what you’re after). Stocks go on the back (where you hold it), barrels go on the front (where the darts come out), and the rails let you add accessories like scopes or extra grips. You can really make your blaster your own.

4. Nerf Is for Everyone

After all this, here’s the bottom line: Nerf isn’t just for little kids. It’s for everyone. It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it’s actually kind of cool. People even have channels on YouTube with over a million subscribers, and they make a living off Nerf videos! Nerf’s blasters aren’t just toys—they’re a hobby, and for some, they’re a lifestyle. If you’ve ever thought Nerf is just for kids, maybe it’s time to reevaluate. Nerf is so much more than that.

So, if you thought Nerf was just for elementary schoolers, think again (and maybe reevaluate some of your life choices). Anyway, I’ll catch you in the next article!