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by Anna Peirce (7th)

You always hear the “orchestra kids vs band kids” but who really is the winner? Here are some views that the students have. ( by the way these are exact quotes).

Piano; Band is really cool because you’re multitasking more than orchestra kids. David; We have more variety. And that we’re just better.
Piano: ORCHESTRA SUCKS ( Piano took my computer and HELP!!!!!!!)
Andrew; Umm we have more instruments.

Maya; Once you can play one instrument you can play them all. So you can be talented in all the instruments.
Sanvi; Well, like we don't need 9 bajillion instruments to sound good.
Kara; Cuz like we can be respectful, like if we are listening to them and after they’re done we will still congratulate them.
Czareah; The instruments are easier to play and they sound better when they’re played all together.

Which is why the winner is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .