By Alex Ammons (6th)
So, there are nine Star Wars movies, each of them unique. But which one is the best? In this article, we find out. Also, I’ll be sorting on a scale of F to S. F being the worst piece of flaming garbage, and S being the holy grail of star wars movies. I’m also not going to rank the epilogues because by the time I finish this I’ll have watched and read every bit of star wars movies and wikipedia pages and Zzzzz….
What is Star Wars?
Star Wars is a movie series made by George Lucas. It took a lot of work, and even the founding of the company Light and magic. It mainly follows the constant fighting between the empire and the rebellion. There is a lot more, and piles and piles of lore, but it would be too much to write out, so I won’t go into it.
How many movies are there
There are 9 Star Wars movies. 3 prologues, 3 main stories, and 3 epilogues
Who are the characters?
The characters in the movies are too long to mention here, so I added this List
Ranking the prologues
Ranking episode 1: The Phantom menace
Ok, time for the movie that didn’t really live up to my expectations! When I first saw The Phantom Menace, I honestly thought it was good. It follows Padme Amadala and 2 jedis having to go to tatooine because her ship ran out of fuel.there, she meets this kid anakin skywalker(spoilers, sorry!), and they win a podrace, and leave. The end. Overall, it could have been better. I would give it a C tier
Ranking episode 2: Attack of the clones
Attack of the clones was fine. Ok, so after Anakin and the rest get off tatooine, a few years pass, and then we see them go to coruscant. It’s kinda the capital planet of the galaxy. Apparently padme didn’t age much, because anakin looks like he’s 17, while padme looks the exact same. So Anakin gets closer to senator palpatine, who takes him in as his apprentice.For the DARK SIDE(duhn duhn duuuuuuhhhn!). I guess I should explain. So, there are two sides to the force. The light side(jedis)and the dark side(siths). The Jedi are good, and the Sith are bad. So that’s the main part of the movie. Honestly, I did enjoy the movie, but it did lack stuff. D tier.
Ranking episode 3: Revenge of the sith
Oh man, this was a good movie! Ok, after attack of the clones, Anakin fully commits to the dark side as Darth Vader(dun dun duuuuuuuun!). So not much more interesting happens until mustafar. That's where Anakin completely destroys the trade federation’s bosses. Then, when Padme comes and tells him to stop, he says no, no I’m gonna keep doing this. Then he makes her pass out. So Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's mentor, goes to confront him. They have a cool lightsaber fight. Oh, I forgot to mention that Mustafar is a lava planet. So Anakin gets burned in the lava, and is saved by Palpatine, where he gets his trademark Vader mask. Holy moly, this was great! Everything was perfect! A tier!
Ranking the main stories
Ranking episode 4: A New Hope
Ok, so this is the first Star Wars movie released. Now, we have Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker(spoilers). So the movie starts out with R2-D2 and C-3PO running away from an attack on their spaceship. R2 finds princess leia, and she records a message for someone (fun fact: this message contains the classic Help me obi-wan’re my only hope). So R2 and C-3P0 get in an escape pod, and make their way to tatooine. Once they get there, they split up, but end up both at Luke Skywalker's house. So Luke's uncle buys both robots, but later that night, R2-D2 runs (rolls?) out of the house in search of obi-wan. The next morning, Luke goes with C-3PO in search of R2. However, he gets ambushed by tusken raiders. He almost dies, but is saved by a guy in robes (I’m dead serious about that). As it turns out, that guy in robes is actually obi-wan-kenobi! So, they go to Obi's house, and he shows Luke his father’s lightsaber.
So once Luke gets back, he finds that the stormtroopers ambushed his house. So Luke leaves, and joins the rebellion. He joins as a pilot, and flies to the death star. He blows the space station up, and the end. This was an amazing movie, but it lacked stuff. A tier
Ranking episode 5: The Empire strikes back
Ok, so this movie was amazing. I know I already said that with Revenge of the Sith, but same with this. So to start the movie off, Darth Vader (aka Anakin Skywalker) sends probes into the galaxy in search of the rebellion. One of the probes finds the rebellion on the freezer planet Hoth. After that, Luke is searching a meteorite, when he is captured by a Wampa. Luckily, Luke finds his lightsaber and escapes. Not for long! While making his way back, he gets frostbite and collapses. Han Solo finds Luke, and keeps him warm until they can go back in the morning. So since the probe found the rebel’s location, the empire launches a full-scale attack on them. So Han and the rest leave Hoth, except Luke, who goes to Dagobah. So meanwhile, Han and the rest are at Bespin, the cloud city. However, it’s a trap! They get captured, and Han is taken away. At dagobah, Luke hears that his friends are in trouble, and goes to find them. He does! Wait, hold up. Let me check my notes. Ah Ha! He doesn't find Han. The end. It was amazing! Absolute S tier!
Ranking episode 6: return of the jedi
Ok, I’m gonna keep this one short, because I’m tired. So Han is in carbonite, and on tatooine. R2-D2 and C-3PO go there to convince Jabba the hut to free him. Han solo owed Jabba money, so when He got encased in carbonite, Jabba got to keep him. Now a while later, Leia (disguised as a traveler), comes to Jabba’s palace, offering him chewbacca and C-3P0. When Jabba refuses, Leia pulls out a thermal detonator. So everyone is scared away, and while they run, Leia takes Han out of carbonite, but is captured. Luke arrives to bargain for his friends, but is tricked and falls into the rancor pit. After Luke kills the rancor, he is once again captured and told that all of his friends and him will be fed to the sarlacc. So they go there, but luke takes his lightsaber and battles the guards. Leia strangles Jabba, so that’s the end of him. So they go to the forest moon of endor, and turn off the shield generator that’s connected to the Death Star #2. The end. It was actually pretty good. A tier.
“So Alex, what’s the best movie?”
Ok, I know that’s what you’re thinking (I’m in your brain). So, after extensive research, the best star wars movie is….. The Empire strikes back!!! Meanwhile, Attack of the clones was the worst movie in the series. Now before you come out of your house to complain about me not ranking the epilogues. I’m not doing it right now because 1) It is currently 4 AM and 2) I might do it later.