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by Molly Carder (6th grade)

Splatoon 3 is a great new game made by Nintendo. Between its incredible multiplayer and immersive, lore packed single player there is also great character customization. In this article I will be reviewing all of that and more. (Note that all of this information came from my own playthrough.)

Overall mechanics 

The overall mechanics of this game are very smooth, so is the transformation between kid and squid form. The other thing is the game modes, turf war, clam blitz, rainmaker and splat zones are all good game modes, but most people play turf war as its a classic and the very first mode you play. Also a fun tidbit about when you swim in your ink there is a trail of disturbed ink behind you. It lasts for a few seconds before disappearing.

                              What is the extent of character customization?

Well there is obviously inklings vs octolings and outfits.

Let's start with inklings vs octolings:

They have no real differences in game other than a few minor cosmetic differences. octolings have their suckers on the outside of their tentacles while inklings have them on the inside, also octolings have smaller tentacles than the inklings. The black thing around the octolings eyes doesn't connect in the middle like the inklings do. Now also there are Splatoon amiibos and outfits in general, (I have Callie and Marie.) Callie and Marie are characters from Splatoon), and they give you different outfits.

That can't be obtained any other way in game without mods. There is plenty of cool gear that you can get by collecting in-game coins. You can get tops at Man O Wardrobe, shoes at Crush Station and hats at Naut Couture.

Story mode

Story mode in Splatoon 3 is the best story mode in the history of Splatoon in my opinion!

It has a great story, action packed levels and more; it is so detailed compared to the other ones that were set in octo valley.

The story goes like this, you get recruited by Captain Cuttlefish and you play through the first few levels la de da de da because they are really easy and are designed to be that way because dun dun dun you fight DJ Octavio and are plunged into Alterna, a weird place with fake snow and a giant rocket.

On the way to Alterna you get separated from DJ Octavio and Captain Cuttlefish. But on the bright side Callie, Marie and agent 3 are here. You play through the first section then you find a pipe to another island. When you go through you are confronted by deep cut, (the people who do the daily news) and then you go through a lot more sections fighting each individual member of Deep Cut, Frye, Shiver and Big Man in that order.

Eventually you get all of the pieces to make a big lawn mower object and agent 3 uses it to cut away all of the fuzzy ooze surrounding the big rocket. You also give the lawn mower thing to Deep Cut and they become Marie's employees just now realizing that she's a famous pop star along with her cousin Callie who is also here.

They rush up to the rocket, finding captain cuttlefish apparently dead. But agent 3 cries on him and he's alive! Apparently he got all his ink sucked out of him and the main antagonist Mr. Grizz, a bear, boss of his company Grizzco (it's a minigame called Salmon Run) comes out of the rocket talks and then blasts off trying to turn the world into mammals once again. Then you team up with Deep Cut and DJ Octavio to beat Mr. Grizz and save the world.

Worth the $60?

In conclusion I think Splatoon 3 is a great game. It's definitely worth the cost as it is a inkcredible game (see what I did there, INKcerdible because the game is built around ink.)

With immersive gameplay that will get you to want to play for hours on end, you'll be sure to enjoy Splatoon 3. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. Happy gaming!