by Olive Aydemir (7th grade)
Student council: Although the entire thing sounds pretty boring and work-filled, there are a lot of hidden perks and advantages to being part of it. From making friends, organizing events, and being a good citizen to the school and community, student council and the projects they have created for us are some you won’t want to miss.
Student council is “An organization that is done through building school spirit, doing fundraisers for charity and learning to be a better member of the community” says Mr. Ryan, student council's faculty sponsor.
Student council has organized many events coming up that help the community and school: movies, winter dance, CHOP pajama day fundraiser, pretzel day (held during learning time 11/17-12/1).
Student council makes decisions for the school and is always trying to improve the school. Being on student council is a great way to make friends and fix problems you are currently facing in school or the community.
Although Mr. Ryan is the adult adviser, student council is completely student run, making it more student related when it comes to the result of their decisions.
Alyssa Van Buren, 8th grade student, was on the student council last year and wanted to clear up a common myth:
"Something commonly misunderstood is that the student council has more control than it truly has, for example as I've watched speeches most students believe they are able to make significant changes for themselves and others." Van Buren went on to say that, "Despite that it is a student led organization in which is a wholesome community that is invested into helping the community than the tiny world of CMS."
Student council campaigning started on November 2 and elections are held this week: November 9th and 11th. Everyone applying must make a video that is under 3 minutes explaining why they are the best candidate for the position they want. Everyone will vote on a google form. The positions that are currently open are the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, 6th grade President and 6th grade Vice President. Candidates are allowed to post posters in the cafeteria about why they would be the best person for the job.
Overall, student council isn't the boring work filled club it may seem to be. Students can gain friends, have their voices heard, and fix the school and community problems. Consider joining the club and have your voice and opinion heard in the school's next decision.