by Thea Kupersmith (8th)
Shortly after its lunch, our very own sun was horrified to discover an unsightly blemish upon its solar surface. Perhaps due to its recent diet of greasy nuclear fusion particles, a spot of pimples had appeared. It was an inconvenient day for it, as the sun was set to complete its 1642500000000 day of its world tour Mortified, the sun has taken refuge behind its PR manager and has refused to come back out.
Seeing as how the sun disappearing would spell disaster, NASA quickly employed their top mental health professionals to coax the sun back out. Equipped with SPF 9000, the team of therapists, psychiatrists, and school guidance counselors used every trick they had in order to achieve their goal.
After myriad Taylor Swift songs and inspirational quotes, the team has managed to get the sun to peek out briefly, but it quickly disappears when approaching a new location. Desperate, NASA employed a group of skincare specialists to assuage the sun's self-consciousness.
Although the sun still won’t show its face, it has started to slowly regain confidence and creep their way out. Follow the Artichoke for updates to come.