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The Dark Side of Groceries 2057

Chapter 3: (Post) Live feed

by Dillon Fisher

What an incredible time we live in. We can play classic games like chess online with others, and we have tools to keep our homes and businesses safer than ever. Those tools would come in handy today.

“What do you want?” Cardins said as he answered the phone. He had hoped the caller would hang up, but no such luck. Just as he was about to express his frustration, the voice on the other end interrupted him. 

“Hey, Cardins. It’s Baynes.”

Cardins jolted awake. “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he stammered, but Baynes cut him off.

“Get to the security offices. Lieutenant Ashley wants to see you.” With that, Baynes hung up.

Confused as to why Lt. Ashley hadn’t just called him to the station, Cardins rushed to the Giant security offices. Baynes gestured for him to enter the security room, where Lt. Ashley was waiting. He inserted a disc and turned on the camera.

“This is a recording of what happened during the attack,” Ashley said.

“What? But the tapes—” Cardins began, but Ashley interrupted.

“Just watch.”

As Cardins focused on the screen, shock coursed through him. The footage showed the attack in real-time. He tried to access the controls, but they were unresponsive. The feed displayed a blue, four-legged metallic creature prowling the meat aisle. Then Bob Warner appeared, heading toward the creature before being ambushed. The creature then bounded out of the window beside the door.

“That explains the broken window,” Cardins muttered, still irked about dealing with the insurance company, which thought they had caused the damage. Giant Co. was just interested in money, and he couldn’t believe they still employed them. He leaned closer to the screen, hoping to spot something he missed, when Harrison Rudolph quietly entered the room. Cardins nearly overlooked him until Rudolph tripped over his untied shoelaces and fell with a soft thud.

Rudolph scrambled to his feet, brushing himself off. “So,” Cardins started, “any new info, bud?”

“No, sir,” Rudolph replied hurriedly. “No new info, sir.”

Cardins chuckled. “No need to call me ‘sir.’ Just call me Rona.” He gestured to the screen. “You might want to see this.”

Rudolph peered at the footage, his face paling like a Halloween skeleton. “Wha—what?” he stammered.

Before Cardins could respond, a massive explosion rocked the room, slamming him against the wall.

“Urgh,” groaned Rudolph, his ears ringing like a church bell. Blinding white light filled his vision. “What happened?”

A string of frustrated shouts echoed from across the room. (I won’t include the specifics, but remember this for later.)

“Keep your language appropriate!” Cardins shouted, inspecting the damage. “There go my best pair of jeans.”

“WHAT HAPPENED?” Rudolph yelled, bewildered.

“I DON’T KNOW,” Cardins yelled as he bolted from the room, determined to find out who had detonated the bomb—if it wasn’t remote. Time was the one thing Cardins couldn’t afford to waste.

August 17th, 2057 – 12 Hours Later

At this point, Rona Cardins was not surprised. Not in the slightest. But he knew one thing: he needed to do something, and fast.

“What happened?” Rudolph asked, bewildered.

“Like heck if I know,” Cardins muttered, his own language betraying him. He bolted from the room, determined to find out who had detonated the bomb—if it wasn’t remote. Time was the one thing Cardins couldn’t afford to waste. Bomber, I don’t know if you can see me, but one thing is for sure. I AM gonna catch you sooner or later. End. Of. Story.