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by Akilan Suresh (6th)

Why do schools have penpals?

Some schools have pen pals because it increases your knowledge of different cultures and so you can have a friend in a different country.

You can ask lots of questions and you might be surprised what answer they give! It also gives students some time off their computers (Because we are in the 21st century)and it might be a good homework assignment!

It gives students a chance to connect with other students that are your same age.Imagine how cool it would be to talk to someone like you but in a different country!

How Will It Help Them?

Students from a different country can learn a lot from us like culture, our fashion sense, favorite songs, and more! Students can ask questions and form bonds and interests from communicating with each other. And it can improve your literacy skills.

How will it help You?

The same as them, we can learn about different cultures. And asking questions can help you understand about them.Since we have only been friends with students in your school most of them are the same nationality as you. So think of how awesome it would be to have a friend in a different country! Also since both of you are school students you can ask why they like or do not like school.

-I got inspired to write this article because of an amazing book, the book is called “I Will Always Write Back” It is about an african boy who becomes penpals with an american girl. Their story is really interesting and I do recommend it