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by Amelia Johnson (8th grade)

The girls field hockey team did something their coach Mrs.McCrone had never seen before in her time coaching. They went undefeated not just one year, but two!

They won 15 games during that time.

The team in those 15 games scored roughly 90 goals and had less than 20 shots on their goal with only three making it past their “brick wall” goalie, Sydney Saulino.

Two star players which in this season scored the most goals for their team are; Gracie Kerns with 11 goals and six assists and Katie Guarino with nine goals and four assists.

8th grader Gracie Kerns.

I interviewed these players about what they thought made their team so successful. Katie explained, “We have played together for two years and many of us play together on the Colonial Field Hockey Club rec team and on our club teams. We knew who played well in each position and were able to use that to our advantage.”

She continued with, “Everyone was excited to play together again and we were very supportive of one another and cheered each other on when we weren't in the game. Our team was particularly good at passing and being in the right place at the right time.”

Gracie observed, “We had a really good bond with each other. We all contributed skills to every game. We also all boosted each other up, and cheered for all our players.”

This amazing team made the CMS community very proud and has set the stage to continue with success as they move to high school next year.

8th grade field hockey team, 2022.

“I'm very proud of how hard they worked and practiced everyday," recalled coach Mrs. McCrone. "They were willing to learn and do new things, and work as a team.”

Since this team went undefeated and the games weren’t nail biters here are a few lines from opposing teams, coaches, and referees.

“I don’t see high school teams working this well together. They are amazing.”
“They are fun to watch and so talented.”
“Were they born with hockey sticks in their hands?”

A team receiving those comments can’t just rely on talent from players, they also rely on a fantastic coach like they had in Mrs.McCrone.

“Mrs. McCrone did a great job at working on team building. She was able to put us in positions where we were most effective because she coached us for two years and knew our strengths.” Katie reported.

Gracie wrote, “ Mrs McCrone was really helpful for the team to succeed because she was an amazing coach. She pushed us hard in practices, which paid off in games.”

“This is going to be a team I will miss! They really were just so fun and worked really well together.” Mrs. McCrone exclaims.

Way to go girls field hockey team!