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The ways of living: Asking questions

By Xian Magnaye  (6th)

We ask ourselves questions in life and how we live life.  How do we live? What do we carry for ourselves? What do we gain from the way we live? What can we do to improve? What do we do? First we all know we ask these questions, but why do we ask? The answer to that is: we ask to learn, we ask to find the answer, and we ask to find purpose. 

We live with a chip on our shoulders, and that chip is our burden.  We continue to live by asking questions.  We continue to live so that our memories will not have been forgotten.  Passed down to future generations.  A person doesn’t die from an accident, a stroke, cancer, or from old age, but rather die when they’re forgotten. 

We carry burdens on our backs, but smiles on our faces.  Why is that so? We do this so that we conceal our emotions ,just like how a glass bottle carries water,but once broken all is spilled.  What is the purpose of a bottle that you cannot use?

We gain ourselves pain and happiness. We gain these from the lessons life gives us.  We weaken ourselves by being vulnerable.  If you are like glass you will easily shatter, but if you are like stone you will easily fall apart. The point is to find a way to be vulnerable, but not too vulnerable.  If you don’t find a way,you will shatter.  Once glass hits a certain amount of pressure it will crack, and in a moment all will shatter.  We are like glass, so why can’t we be stone? If we are like stone we are to be easily carved, and if we are not carved by our pains, we will slowly deteriorate, crumbling down like a dam, all will be spilled, our emotions revealed.  What purpose does broken glass, and deteriorating stone serve?

We can prevent vulnerability.  All it takes is learning from past mistakes. We've all been vulnerable like glass, but there's a way to make glass stronger.  There's another way to make stone stronger.  You can forge pillars,as strong as Rome's pillars.  They can last very long,but nothing ever lasts forever.  Sometimes a bottle’s contents must be spilled before it overflows.  Once all is spilled, all can be refilled. Emotions can be used against you.  Tides can turn depending on which fate favors. It doesn’t have to be fate.  It can be fortune, — for fortune favors the brave.  That’s one advantage. Fate is purely luck. 

Life is a journey in which there are twists and turns ,but that is what makes it interesting.  It just shows how easy people are to shape.  

We don’t stop at stalemate.